"The Drifter" is a handcrafted leather cigar case produced in-house by Salvage Yard Manufacturing Co. designed to accommodate a single cigar with up to a 44 ring size. With an overall length of 6.5 inches, this handmade cigar case can fit comfortably in a jacket pocket and features durable construction made from 100% Full Grain cowhide leather with triple-stitched Polyester waxed thread that will last a lifetime. Our Anvil logo is stamped by hand into the flap of each case, just above the chrome finished steel latch.
Available in the following colors:
Saddle Brown / Black Stitching
Black / Red Stitching
Navy Blue / Gray Stitching
Note: Appearance of this Full Grain leather product may vary from item to item and can contain marks and blemishes such as scratches, scars, and tick bites that occur naturally throughout the life of an animal.